Billing Type

Billing types allow you to set up multiple codes for billable and non-billable service work that you perform. The billing types also determine if the work order and dispatch are billable or not.You also have the option to automatically add travel billing to the work or service order, and assign a travel labor code. The pricing structure can also be specified per type of transaction for each billing type.

In the bottom grid you can specify the price structure to use for part and labor transactions added to a work order dispatch which have this billing type. This allows for granular control over transaction pricing (billable/non-billable, price ID) per billing type.

To create billing types: 

  1. Use the New button on the toolbar to open a blank record.
  2. Enter a Billing Type name.
  3. Enter a short Description of the billing type.
  4. Mark the Billable check box if the billing type is billable or not.
  5. To automatically add travel and an associated labor code, mark the Auto Add Travel check box. Select a Travel Labor Code from the drop-down list.
  6. Select a Transaction Type from the drop-down list: Part, Labor, or Travel.
  7. If the transaction type is billable for this billing type, mark the Billable check box. If the check box is cleared, an invoice will not print and billing information will not be entered into the work order/service order. If the check box is marked, an invoice may be printed and billing information will be entered into the work order/service order and posted to AR history and GL.
  8. Select a Price ID for the transaction type. Double-click on the field to open the Price Structures function if you want to create a new price ID.
  9. Use the Append button to add transaction types to the billing type.
  10. Save your changes.